Tuesday 25 October 2011

Halloween Costume

Well hello there, today has been a productive day. My halloween costume is finally done :)

Yes as you can tell, my best friend and I are going as mario and luigi. So as we are both girls we wanted to put our own girly spin on the costumes and so we have updated and edited the classic mario and luigi costume...afraid i can't post any photos or ideas on here yet! Its all hush hush ;) We can't have anyone seeing them before the party on saturday! So i just thought i would share how i've done the hats with you for today, next week you can learn how to do the whole costume :)

So this is what you need for the hats
- a red and green hats (get them online, quite cheap and you can find all colours!)
- white felt
- a circle template, or in my case a glass!
- a computer (Well i guess you have one...but you'll need a printer!)
- a pencil
- scissors
- cellotape
- glue - PVA or craft glue

1. In google type in mario and luigi font, i had to click around but i soon found a 'M' and 'L' that i could resize in word and print off. Basically you want to create a template first. You can just draw a 'M' or 'L' free hand, but we wanted the exact logo, so we used the exact mario font. As you can see in the photo below, I managed to get the proper font :) i found it on fontspace
2. So use a glass (or whatever is circular) to create a circle on paper, around your letter. Cut it out and you should now have a paper copy of the logo. I put some cellotape on the back and put it on the hat, to see what it looks like. It may take more than one time to get it right!

3. Right so now hopefully your template logo is perfect and you can move onto the felt! So what you want to do is draw round the glass on the white felt with a pencil. I had to do it twice as the pencil mark is very faint!
4. Next take your template logo and put it on your already drawn circle. So as i didn't want pencil marks on the front of the logo i put it on backwards. If you see in the photo below, i put the cellotape side up, so the 'L' was backwards. Trace around it, again you may need to do this twice to get the pencil to show.
5. Now you can cut it out! When doing the letters, i put the scissors through the middle of the letter, created a hole then began cutting to the edge to then go round...if that makes sense.
6. When fully cut out, flip it over and you should have a complete logo. So you want to stick it on. Test it with cellotape first, to make sure it fits. Then crack out the glue and stick it on the correct hat. (Red = mario. Green = luigi)
7. Leave to dry and viola! Your very own mario and luigi hats.

Remember if you want a wario one, just use a yellow hat and white felt with a purple 'W'. For a waluigi one, use a purple hat and white felt with a yellow 'W'. I promise i will post the party photos next week, along with how we created the costumes. Its all surprisingly cheap actually :) Let me know if you make the hats, tell me how you got on and if there are photos!

Monday 24 October 2011

newspaper nails

So this is what started it and led onto my comic book nails. Its the newspaper nails. You use the exact same technique, pull out bits of newspaper, put in water, press on. The ink from the newspaper smudges really badly though :/ so you need to do your top coat very carefully! But it looks fab and you can do it on tons of different colours, just make sure its a pale colour. It looks great on white, as it looks like a book or then on pale blue looks nice. Although the text is backwards you can make out some words and i got some good ones like 'llamas' and "music". Again if you do it let me know how it goes!

comic book nails

I got this little gem from youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4FaidUlSbA

This is my right hand
this is my left hand

so i always use a base coat, you don't have to though, then do a white nail polish, you'll probably need two coats. Once this is completely dry (seriously needs to be bone dry!!) you move onto doing the comic strips.

Okay so go to your local corner shop or supermarket and buy a comic book. Like the dandy or beano, this was the one that i got. So go through the comic book and cut out the parts you like, remember its going on your nail so you want them quite small. Now get a tub of water, room temp and put your first little section in the water, make sure its really wet and position on your nail (i made sure i got the bits i want on the nail like a speech bubble, writing or little drawing). Press down really hard, like really hard and all over the nail. Don't move the paper though, keep pushing for like 30-60 secs. If the ink on the back come off on your skin, don't worry it comes off easily and it shows you're doing it right. So now gently peel it off and you should have the picture on your nail, don't worry if its missing in parts, i think it adds to the effect. Now you need a top coat!! The ink will smudge and come off if you don't! And then you're done :) Please please if you try this post me the photos or just let me go how it went!

the start of something new...

Ooh theres nothing better than a nice new post, just like in school when you got a new book. The cover and first page you always kept neat and then after that it would all fall to pieces. However i rather hope that doesn't happen with this blog.
You see i've had numerous blogs and each time i say i'll be committed, and i am at first...then i stop. This one is different though. I actually have an aim this time. Well yes you could call it an aim. Anyway i'm gonna talk about fashion and beauty, plus a little bit of craft (and then on top of that anything else i want to share with you).
I was inspired by the lovely Zoe and her blog - http://thelondonlipgloss.blogspot.com/
definitely go visit it, i've been reading it for a while and so i guess she rubbed off on me! aha but thankyou Zoe!

So this is just a little introductory post and i'll post my first fashion/beauty post after this.
About me then...
well my name is laura cooper (i probably should have said that at the start...) but i'm 17, currently living in surrey with my family, studying 4 a-levels at sixth form, working part time then spending all my pay checks on clothes and make up and trying to make the most of life. Thats just the basics really and i guess you'll learn more about me as we go on.
So lets get cracking and welcome to my blog!